
Saturday, December 29, 2012


Well... this month turned out a tad funny. Got off to a flying start, ran 42 and 48 miles the first two weeks. But, I had some fairly serious oral surgery early in the month that was kind of rough... slowed me down some and the led me to getting quite sick the second half of the month. I rarely get sick and this has been dragging on for almost two weeks. I haven't run ten days. I'll be fine, but I am having a hard time getting this nasty congestion out of my chest. Oh, well. With that said I managed 117 miles in two and a half weeks before I got sick. Tomorrow marks the first week of the New Year... I will be out there. My New Year's day 10K is probably not going to happen the way I'm feeling. On a bright note, between being sick, surgery and some real discipline I have lost 19lbs in the home stretch. I'm good with that. Upward and onward!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


OK... one month down, I'm only going to blog once a month for now unless something significant happens. This is the first four weeks of my build-up to next October. In four weeks I have run/walked 141 miles, just over 35 miles per week. Good start! Some days I run, some days I walk and some I do a little of both. In fairness, I have walked more than I have run... but I am getting out most days including the last 13 in a row. This is about consistency... day after day. However, I did sign up for a New Year's day 10K. I am going to have to work on some short runs over next four weeks to get ready. That's all I've got for now... see you in a month.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Dave's the Dog

Sounds like the new Road Dog philosophy is winner...and highly appropriate.  Count on support from this side.  Badaxe.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Moving Forward

Having completed my first off road ultramarathon, I now see things with much greater clarity. I paid very close attention to the other competitors on October 27th. The out and back nature of the Ghost Train is very conducive to that. I saw how they ran, how they ate and how they paced themselves. This is a sport for dogs. In the wild... wolves, coyotes, dingos, African Spotted dogs, etc. don't run the fastest... much of their prey can out sprint them, but the dogs can run longer. Wild dogs run their prey into the ground. They can run at a moderate pace for hours. That's what ultramarathoning is all about. You trot... mile after mile after mile. Sometimes you pause... to pee, to eat or to drink. And then... you trot again. It's pretty simple... not easy, but simple. So... you train to trot. Hour after hour, day after day. It's beauty is in it's simplicity. This may strike some of you as fairly obvious... but it wasn't to me, this is a near epiphany. For the next eleven months, I need to hone a slow energy efficient jog. This is the opposite of everything I have worked on for years. Fast turnovers, long strides, high heel flicks and uphill accelerations, the building blocks of road racing, are to be avoided. A steady shuffling keep your feet close to the ground gait and walk up the steeps are the order of the day. It's all about energy conservation. It is both incredibly simple and at the same time an enormous commitment. Perfect!.. I get it... off I go.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Ghost Train

Well... despite the fact that I called this thing off in mid-September, I couldn't bear to stay away. Right around the beginning of October I spoke with Chris and said I still wanted to do it, training or no training... he said he was in as well. In the three weeks leading up the race, I did three long outings between 16 and 20 miles each, they didn't go very well... but I'm glad I did them. Basically I was desperately cramming for the race. We agreed to do the minimum... 30 miles (you can do up to 100) . And so we did... very slowly and carefully, there were only four people behind us when we finished. But, we did it. I take some pride in having done this at all. I have averaged a pitiful 13.76 miles per week this year... hardly the stuff of marathons, never mind ultramarathons. I felt far better than I would have ever imagined, I was tired and sore but finished strong... I still had fuel in the tank. I also have huge water and blood blisters on both feet... ugly and painful, but rarely fatal. Nasty... but this too will pass. The training for next year starts now. There will be a long run every week. The mileage will increase. I will lift weights even though I hate lifting weights . I will get back to a better running weight. Next time I will be prepared, I will go longer... I will go faster... I will kick ass. Enough said.

Friday, September 14, 2012

End of the Line... for now.

Thanks to everybody who has been looking in on this blog... obviously things are not going as planned. I don't think Chris has run in two months, but then again he never blogs so who knows... his upcoming wedding next month has taken care of that. For me the big bad kitchen renovation that took twice as long as planned has kicked my butt. Yes, I have run some but no where near consistently enough to take on this race. So sorry for the false alarm. However, hope springs eternal! I turn sixty about a week before next year's race... hmmmm. Sixty at sixty? Kinda catchy isn't it. I have started running regularly again this week, plan to ramp it up ever so slowly over the winter into the spring and then, with no major house renovation looming... kick it into high gear next summer. That's the fantasy anyway. I'm not going to blog until New Years... if things are going well I will be running five days a week and will have lost some weight. We'll see... you never know. See you then and thanks for your support and well wishes.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Road to Monadstock

Back on the treadmill after a long hiatus.  Feels good to start again.  Super proud of the dog for hitting the road hard the last couple weeks ( and for hitting the strings as well).  By Monadstock, hopefully we will both have made some real progress in these things that, though they do not come easy, bring us immeasurable joy!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Week 10

Well, what a difference a week makes... set a plan, execute it and life is good. Rested the two days after last weekend's terrible run... ran a regular 5 on Tuesday and ran the brutal Crotchet Mountain 10K loop on Wednesday... which includes the auto-road with over a mile of 9-12% grade. It's an incredible experience, breathtaking actually... when I was fit I used to run it a couple times a week. And no, I was not able to run the whole thing today, I died on the steep ramps and had to walk... but I still did it (and will do it again next week). Rested two more days and ran long, slow distance (LSD) today. Felt 100% better than last weekend, it was 10 degrees cooler... and turned in a solid 18 miler, slow and steady. Wore a pair of "0 drop" minimist NB trail shoes... no serious blisters, more good news there. This also puts me back on track to before the renovation break, my last long run was Week 3, a 16 miler. Now we can continue to ramp up to race day.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Week 9

Well, what a fine mess I'm in. Twelve weeks to go yesterday and I am wildly off plan. Seems to be the theme for all of us. I skipped last week's blog... didn't want to report another week with only 5 miles run. It's the start of a new month and absolutely time to shit or get off the pot. So, here's the emergency "get it back on track" plan... a long run every weekend, preferably Saturday the same day as the race. Two short runs, back to back in the middle of the week (Tuesday/Wednesday) leaving a couple of rest days to and from the long run. The Saturday runs must get progressively longer topping out to 24/26 miles by early October... then a two week taper to the race. This is an emergency salvage plan, not pretty... but I see no other choice. Yesterday I began with grand plans to go out and bag a very slow long slog in the heat... perhaps 20 miles or better. Ha! On the strength of a half  dozen 5 mile runs over the last five weeks my body would have none of it. It was hot, low 90s here with high humidity when I went out at noon. I overloaded (mistake) my 2 liter Camelback with 3+ liters of water (too heavy) and one of the straps broke at 4 miles in... had to carry the bag after that... that didn't help. By 8 miles I was losing control... shakey and nauseous. I bagged it at 12 miles... a disappointment, but my goal was a bit ambitious. Oh well. We will try again next weekend, perhaps for 16. I wish the others well, don't give up... we need to make this happen!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Does Watching Olympics Count?

So the jury trial is over and I get to put one in the W column finally.  Exhausted and trying to catch up on yard work.  Most exercise I've gotten in weeks was mowing my hayfield-like lawn today.  But that was 3 hours of mild cardio.  Watching the Olympics.  Always inspiring.  To the THI's, hang on to the goal, you're both too busy right now.  Let yourselves get settled back in and make it happen.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Week 7

Lonely business this blogging... this blog was not even my idea! Oh well. This week I made a little time to run, four times actually... just 5 miles each, hardly ultra-marathon material, but better than nothing. Three of the days were in the high heat so that was a good thing. Upward and onward!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Week 6

This week is exactly like last week... without the 5 mile run. I am writing this post while paint dries on a door I need to hang... that should tell you something. It occurred to me last night that this July (fitness wise) is about as exciting as this year's Tour de France. I love the Tour, have followed it for over 40 years... but this year's defense of the yellow jersey by Bradley Wiggins and team Sky is even less exciting than some of Lance's. Thank God for Peter Sagan and the other sprinters and some of the brilliant stage wins... most notably by Voeckler and Rolland. Oh well! So my kitchen goes on and training is on hold... I'm looking forward to August.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Week 5

Precious little to report... just hanging in renovation limbo. Managed a short run of 5 miles in high heat on Friday... definitely a high value run as it was over 90 degrees and humid at midday. Sadly that was it for the week. July is going to be rough, I don't have a kitchen at this point... I have to keep pushing through this project, training will take a back seat. Setbacks happen... August will be better. Haven't seen a post from fellow HI in over a week... what's up with that?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Laying Low.

Still fighting some illness issues, so haven't done much, but I find myself inspired every day by the thought of getting ready for the race and watching the THIs complete such incredible distances.  Just need to recover a bit, then I hope to return some of the inspiration to the THIs!  Watching some of the Tour and some track and field for additional inspiration.  And where's Support Idiot II?  Got to get him on the bus.  Anyway best of luck to the THIs in their training and all their other life pursuits!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Week 4

One of the certitudes in life is that stuff will get in the way of your plans. This week was completely derailed by life. The first few days of the week our dog, Bobafett got very sick... diarrhea and vomitting, one night every 15-20 minutes. Then she began passing blood. Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis, sometimes fatal in dogs. She spent a day at the vets and is now recovering on medication. Thursday saw the first day of our kitchen renovation... the demolition. The kitchen is now stripped to the studs, the water damage I knew was there... is far more extensive, why am I not surprised! The long and short of it is no running or cycling this week... 0 miles. There was nothing I could do. The only good news on this front is that my weight stayed stable, no gain. This week will not be much better... long days trying to get the kitchen done.

First Day of July

Hoping that the THI's are training well this first day of July.  It's a hot day, the Tour de France is on, as are the Olympic trials, so I know that will pose a challenge for the Dog!  I'm fighting some illness issues, so I'm not getting out much this weekend, but I've been trying to stay inspired by reading about the Ghost Train race and checking last years ultra times.  Way to go Chris with the mileage!  I'll bet a marathon will seem mild after training for this.  Just about 17 weeks to the race.  Looking forward to fulfilling my role as Support Idiot 1.  Any word from the other SI? 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Week 3

Well... nice to see old friend Badaxe Will on board. I am the "Dog" he refers to, lots of history there... but mostly my running nickname, Roadog. I greatly appreciate his support, my guess is that the last 15 miles of this race is going to be an ugly delirious stagger into the night... I will be finishing (I hope) in the dark, but more on that as we get closer to race day. This past week saw more rest days than the first two ambitious weeks and more variety in my running. I ran up North Pack Mountain, short and explosive... mile and a half with 1000' of elevation gain, a lot of "up" as we say. Did it in 32:37, not my fastest ever (sub 30)... but quicker than expected. From what I've been reading, hill repeats and speed work are not mandatory for ultra-marathoners but recommended. So be it. Only ran three times, yesterday was my long run of 16 miles that went from hot (87 degrees) and humid to heavy drenching thunder squalls the last few miles... it's amazing that you can go from be cooked to borderline hypothermic in minutes! Builds character I guess. Took it real slow, worked on hydration and eating (hard boiled eggs).  Food and drink are critical components of this endeavor... I need to learn to manage them well or I will fail. No cycling this week, I needed the rest. Three weeks in... not much speed, but good mileage... the long runs are ramping up quicker than expected. After all, this is all about running long! Three runs for 24 miles... lost another pound. Keep on pushing...

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Support Idiot 1 here. 

So my goal is going to be to hang with the Dog for the final 15 mile lap and provide whatever moral and/or practical support I can.  Goal speed:  16 min/mile for 15 miles.  18 weeks from today.  On it like a hawnet!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Week 2

Holy crap!... 18 miles on the treadmill, all power to my partner in crime... but that could cause brain damage. I guess you do what you have to do. For my part week 2 is in the bag. Still having some upset stomach issues (annoying) but otherwise a very productive week. I have ramped up my long runs aggressively, running a 5, 8 and 15 miler this week. Still taking plenty of walk breaks on the longer runs (it is only week 2 after all) but was pleased to run just under 12 minutes/mile on the 8 miler. That may not seem like much, but in the ultra world a 12 minute mile is quite respectable. Rode twice for 37 miles and took 2 days completely off. Dropped another 3lbs. This coming week I start integrating technical trail runs into the mix... tough footing and nasty hills, should be challenging.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Finally it Begins

Well, it took over six months to get started... but at least it is has begun. Work and life have gotten in the way over the winter and spring, but as of June 1st I am off and running. The goal... the Ghost Train Race on October 27th. It is a series of 15 mile out and backs... expandable to whatever length in 15 mile increments. My goal is a minimum of 31 miles (50K, the shortest of ultras) but better yet 3 laps at 45 miles. I have 21 weeks to get ready... this is about doing the distance, not time. I am running every other day at least 5 miles and cross training (primarily cycling) or resting on the days in between. This is my first weekly entry, which includes 2 extra days as June started on a Friday. Between January 1st and May 31st I ran 304 miles and rode once for 16... pretty pathetic. I am at least 35lbs heavier than I should be. However, this week I ran 35 (I say ran, but I am taking significant walk breaks because I have to) and rode 47... I lost 4lbs. I ran three 5 milers, an 8 and a 12... all very slow, but I did it. I am very out of fitness... but, I'm now on my way back. Until next week...
