
Sunday, April 28, 2013


Another month, despite some setbacks I'm still mostly on track and have now completed 119 consecutive days of running. My tumble on the treadmill was worse than expected... my foot has still not completely healed after 6 weeks. The worst of it is my great toe which still aches, I now suspect that I broke it. My unwillingness to take time off has clearly retarded the healing process. Nonetheless, I have hung in there... I cut back my mileage two weeks after the fall by going from 65/week to 45/week. Interestingly this has created an unintended dividend. Those long weeks in March I was still walking some of the miles. Now I am running almost all the time, except for my 1 mile warmdown at the end of all runs. The net is less miles but the runs are much higher quality... not a bad trade off. I have 812 miles for the year and am running very consistently around the 10:30 pace. Yesterday is a good example... 13 miles at the 10:29 pace. This may not seem very fast and indeed it isn't... but anything faster in a long event would be suicidal. I've lost another couple of pounds, I'm well within my BMI... but would still like to lose another 10 to get ready for the long events. All in all, things are going well. I hope the others are getting some good training in... October will be here soon! May brings ever increasing long runs. My foot may not be great... but it is workable. I'm hoping my weekly long run will be up to 18 miles by the end of the month. Onward!
