
Friday, September 14, 2012

End of the Line... for now.

Thanks to everybody who has been looking in on this blog... obviously things are not going as planned. I don't think Chris has run in two months, but then again he never blogs so who knows... his upcoming wedding next month has taken care of that. For me the big bad kitchen renovation that took twice as long as planned has kicked my butt. Yes, I have run some but no where near consistently enough to take on this race. So sorry for the false alarm. However, hope springs eternal! I turn sixty about a week before next year's race... hmmmm. Sixty at sixty? Kinda catchy isn't it. I have started running regularly again this week, plan to ramp it up ever so slowly over the winter into the spring and then, with no major house renovation looming... kick it into high gear next summer. That's the fantasy anyway. I'm not going to blog until New Years... if things are going well I will be running five days a week and will have lost some weight. We'll see... you never know. See you then and thanks for your support and well wishes.
