
Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Ghost Train

Well... despite the fact that I called this thing off in mid-September, I couldn't bear to stay away. Right around the beginning of October I spoke with Chris and said I still wanted to do it, training or no training... he said he was in as well. In the three weeks leading up the race, I did three long outings between 16 and 20 miles each, they didn't go very well... but I'm glad I did them. Basically I was desperately cramming for the race. We agreed to do the minimum... 30 miles (you can do up to 100) . And so we did... very slowly and carefully, there were only four people behind us when we finished. But, we did it. I take some pride in having done this at all. I have averaged a pitiful 13.76 miles per week this year... hardly the stuff of marathons, never mind ultramarathons. I felt far better than I would have ever imagined, I was tired and sore but finished strong... I still had fuel in the tank. I also have huge water and blood blisters on both feet... ugly and painful, but rarely fatal. Nasty... but this too will pass. The training for next year starts now. There will be a long run every week. The mileage will increase. I will lift weights even though I hate lifting weights . I will get back to a better running weight. Next time I will be prepared, I will go longer... I will go faster... I will kick ass. Enough said.
