
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Finally it Begins

Well, it took over six months to get started... but at least it is has begun. Work and life have gotten in the way over the winter and spring, but as of June 1st I am off and running. The goal... the Ghost Train Race on October 27th. It is a series of 15 mile out and backs... expandable to whatever length in 15 mile increments. My goal is a minimum of 31 miles (50K, the shortest of ultras) but better yet 3 laps at 45 miles. I have 21 weeks to get ready... this is about doing the distance, not time. I am running every other day at least 5 miles and cross training (primarily cycling) or resting on the days in between. This is my first weekly entry, which includes 2 extra days as June started on a Friday. Between January 1st and May 31st I ran 304 miles and rode once for 16... pretty pathetic. I am at least 35lbs heavier than I should be. However, this week I ran 35 (I say ran, but I am taking significant walk breaks because I have to) and rode 47... I lost 4lbs. I ran three 5 milers, an 8 and a 12... all very slow, but I did it. I am very out of fitness... but, I'm now on my way back. Until next week...

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